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Facial-Flex® is the first and one of the only progressive resistance based exercise devices clinically proven to develop face toning, reduce wrinkles and offer facial rejuvenation.

Think about new years resolutions and all your preparations to stay in shape or get ready for that great 2019 Vacation.  This is no different.

You exercise to stay healthy, strong and youthful. Now, just like your body muscles, your facial muscles can be significantly strengthened and improved by exercise and resistance based training. Facial-Flex® applies resistance to the 30 muscle groups that support your face, chin and neck-allowing you to TRIM, TONE, and TIGHTEN to look Terrific! 


Facial-Flex "As Seen on TV" with Kevin Harrington

"Looking for a clincally proven way to look younger? Look no further than Facial Concepts Inc." —Kevin Harrington

Posted by Facial-Flex on Wednesday, November 14, 2018


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