Body Sport Exercise Bands - Resistance Bands - Latex Free - 50 yd. Roll

- 50yd. of resistance bands for easy dispensing, and great value.
- Workout bands can be used to build strength, stretch, increase flexibility, and improve range of motion.
- Body Sport exercise bands are available in five color-coded levels of resistance.
- These fitness bands are 4 in. wide.
- Inexpensive exercise equipment that can be taken anywhere for a full body workout.

Full Body Workout
Body Sport exercise resistance bands are versatile tool that enable you to perform a full body workout without investing in expensive equipment. Workout bands’ resistance is great for engaging muscles throughout the entire body, including legs and butt, arms, chest, shoulders, abs, back and core.

Building Strength & Endurance
Exercise bands are excellent for increasing muscle strength and endurance. They can be used on their own – with the user working solely against the exercise band’s built-in resistance – or they can be incorporated into body weight exercises such as pushups to increase the difficulty. Unlike free weights, resistance workout bands provide tension throughout the entirety of an exercise movement, keeping muscles fully engaged from start to finish.

Stretching & Flexibility
Range of Motion
Stretch bands can be a great help if you’re looking to improve your overall flexibility or your range of motion in a specific area. The tension of a resistance band can help you deepen any stretch you’re currently doing. They can also be looped around a foot to provide an anchor for stretching the quads, inner thigh, hamstrings and hips. Elastic bands are excellent for exercising the lower back, upper back and shoulder blades, rotator cuff, chest muscles and other areas, for improved range of motion.

Resistance bands are a popular tool among physical therapists. Stretch bands are excellent for physical therapy, offering gentle tension for gradually strengthening muscles and stabilizing joints following an injury or surgery. Resistance bands are particularly effective for helping patients recover from a rotator cuff or other shoulder injury.

Elite Athletes
Athletes regularly use resistance bands for building explosive power, speed and quickness in their legs. Resistance band training activates fast-twitch muscle fibers in the hamstrings, quads, glutes and core muscles, increasing muscle response, enabling you to explode off the line faster than your opponent.

Active People
For active exercisers or runners, resistance bands are a great way to stretch and warm up muscles prior to exercise, reducing the risk of injury. They can also be used to stretch muscles after a strenuous workout, helping them stay limber. In addition to these benefits, resistance bands can create a challenging, low-impact workout for the entire body or for a specific area, enabling you to boost stamina and strength.

An excellent first step on the journey to fitness, resistance bands remove many of the barriers that prevent people from exercising (cost of equipment or gym membership, self-consciousness, time constraints, etc.). A complete resistance bands set can be purchased for less than the cost of a single dumbbell and provides a wider variety of functional exercises than free weights, allowing you to create your own gym in the privacy of your home.

Easy Application
Over time these benefits can help make everyday tasks easier. Exercise bands are also a low-impact alternative that is easier on joints than free weights, reducing the risk of injury.

Exercises for Body Sport Resistance Bands

Biceps Curls
Resistance bands can help you grow and strengthen your arm muscles, just as “pumping iron” with a dumbbell would.
- Stand on the center of the band and hold one end in each hand, your palms facing up.
- With your knees slightly bent, bend your arms and bring your palms toward your shoulders in a bicep curl.
- If you need more tension in the band, move your feet farther apart.
Lat Pulls
This move is a great way to work the muscles on either side of your back.
- Hold the band in both hands above your head, keeping your hands a few inches apart.
- Keeping the left hand in place, squeeze your back to pull the right elbow down towards your ribs.
- Return to the starting position and repeat. After 12-16 reps, switch sides.

Chest Extension
You’ll feel the burn in your pectoral muscles after just a few reps of this exercise.
- Start with your feet hip-width apart.
- WWith your arms extended straight forward at shoulder height, hold a band with both hands. Grip it so there’s about a foot of band between your hands (less if you want more resistance, wider grip if you want less resistance).
- Keeping your hands at shoulder height, slowly move your hands outward toward your sides, gradually stretching the band across your chest, while palms are facing down.
- Upon reaching full extension, slowly bring your hands back to the starting position.
Squat to a side Lateral Arm Raise
In addition to strength training, resistance bands can make cardio exercises such as this total body move including a lower & upper body movement.
- Stand with your feet together on the center of the band while gripping the ends of the band, palms facing in.
- Bend your knees, weight on your heels and push your butt back to lower into a squat.
- Slowly stand back up while lifting straight arms out to your side into a lateral raise. Make sure palm are facing down.