The Leading Fitness Trends for 2017

February 27, 2019

2017 Fitness Trends

Fitness industry experts have identified several exercise trends projected to grow in popularity or to maintain their strong positions among fitness aficionados in 2017.

 Wearables – The evolving accuracy and usefulness of these devices continues to drive their popularity upward.

 Body Weight Training – A combination of low cost (no equipment is needed), convenience, and the ability to customize the exercise to the body type makes this approach easy to adopt.

 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) / Circuit Training – Many people have replaced plodding routines with short bursts up and down, or a circuit with a variety of exercises.

 Yoga – The variety of yoga styles, and the flexibility, overall strengthening and mind healing that yoga can produce attracts many to the practice.

 Weight Loss – Millions of people commit to losing weight at the beginning of each year, and 2017 is no different.

 The New Year is a time for change. If your workouts have become routine and you could use a little inspiration to keep hitting the gym, consider adding one of the above to your exercise regimen.